Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Haven of Home: Music Speaks

This is the second week of the "Making Your Home a Haven" challenge.  I have genuinely enjoyed it so far!  I've remembered to light a candle every day and have been mostly diligent about praying for peace in our home whenever the flame catches my eye during the day.  Of course, there's nothing magical or extra potent about a prayer accompanied by a lit candle.  The candle is meant to be a reminder to pray.  It's the prayers themselves and God's power that are making a difference in the level of peace in our home.  The candle has been reminding me to pray but, also, to think before I speak and to watch my tone of voice.

I love this week's challenge, too!  In addition to the candle, we are challenged to play quiet music throughout the day.  We love music--love, love, love it!  Unfortunately, though, we often don't have it playing while we're at home.  I'm always so busy with this or that, that I just plumb forget to play a CD or play the piano (I do dust it fairly regularly, but rarely does it even occur to me to sit down and play a song or two!).  I do hum or sing quietly a lot, and Little Mister often sings spontaneous praise songs to the Lord (usually not so quietly!).  But the planned-out stuff has been lacking.

We have eclectic tastes in music, so there's lots to choose from.  My goal has been/is to be more intentional about having music playing during times when we're not doing things that need more focus, like reading or school work.  During chores and housework is a great time to have music playing!   Getting ready in the morning, cooking dinner in the evening . . . there really are plenty of appropriate times to have music playing. And during those times, we prefer not to necessarily have the volume level on low. ;)

So far we have listened to lots of Chris Tomlin, Jeff Johnson and some of Little Mister's kids worship CDs.  Who knows what we'll listen to after our mellow mood subsides! :)  We have quite a few CDs, but if you're not a collector of CDs, you can always go to grooveshark.com and set yourself up with a playlist.  Very convenient!  Don't be afraid to do silly dances with your kids or dance cheek to cheek with your husband! :)

Knight Little Mister :)
My favorite music in the world is what I mentioned above, when Little Mister is making something with Legos or occupied with something else by himself, he sometimes sings to the Lord, making up the songs as he goes.  It's during those times that I have a window to his heart.  I get to hear the Bible truths that have made their way into his mind and heart and that mean something to him as he pours out that precious heart of his to the Lord.  At times I'm startled by his insight, by the things he understands about God, about what God has done for him and about where he would be without the Lord in his life.  So many of these concepts did not become real to me until I was an adult!

All in all, this purposeful endeavor to haven-ize our home in the ways that matter most has been rewarding!  I would recommend this challenge to everyone.

2012 Update:
"Little Mister" has had an online name change to "Lego Meister," because he's 10 now and "Little Mister," while dear to my heart, just didn't seem to fit anymore.  

Since this fall challenge is happening later this year, we have been listening to lots of Christmas music, quiet and not-so-quiet. :)  It's so joyful, and certain songs help us become centered on Whose birthday we are preparing to celebrate!


1 comment:

  1. The mind picture of your son singing to God is just precious and bought tears to my eyes. What joy your son must bring to the heart of God.


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