Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Of Hearts and Crepes

This year, I decided not to spend money on Valentine's Day for my little family, but to write my two special guys Valentines letters instead.  I even went so lame-o far as to decorate the papers with hand-drawn hearts in red, pink and purple. :)  It was rather fun to go back to my childhood ways in that respect, though the letters themselves, well, it's hard to reduce to paper what's in my heart.  I gave it a try, though.

For Kevin:

February 14, 2012

My dearest Kevin,

What a dear valentine the Lord gave me in you.  I've loved you for so long, it's hard to remember how I was before.

I know I'm better now than I was before you, because you have prayed for me, been an example for me and have encouraged me to grow and become more like our Savior, Jesus Christ.

You have cheered me on in my attempts and my accomplishments and my failures.  You have helped me see that the journey is just as important as the destination.

You are a good, solid provider for our family.  Thank you for allowing God to provide through you, and to touch so many people through you as you work hard for Him.

Thank you for choosing joy and faith during our trials, and modeling those to our son and to me.

Thank you for being a very present and loving and encouraging father to our precious son.  He adores you, and I'm so thankful he can look up to you as a good example.

Thank you for leading our family devotions and for all the emphasis you place on the importance of reading Scripture and conversing with our Lord in prayer.  Thanks for spurring us on to keep trusting in bad times, good times, the gut-wrenching worst times, and the elating best times.

You are the earthly rock of the Ness household.

Happy Valentine's Day, dearest!

I love you now and forever,

And then for Little Mister:

February 14, 2014

Dear [Little Mister],

I remember your first Valentine's Day with us was only three days after we met you and brought you home, but I already loved you like you'd been mine forever!  Oh, my goodness, you were a cutie, with those big brown eyes, never-ending eyelashes and winsome smile.  You wrapped your arms around my neck and squeezed tight.  You didn't know what Valentine's Day was, but I think you knew you were loved.  And I think you loved me, too, in your own little way. ;)

You're still cute, but you're morphing from cute to handsome more every day!  I have a feeling a son never totally loses his "cuteness" completely as far as his mom is concerned.  I can't imagine ever not thinking you're cute.  (Stop rolling your eyes!  I can't help it!)

So much has happened since that first Valentine's Day with you [?] years ago.  So much has happened to my heart, and you are a big part of that!

So much has happened to your heart, too, as you've grown in the Lord and allowed Him to work in you.

Keep learning to love, my dear.

And always know you are loved immensely!

Happy Valentine's Day, Little Mister.

I love you,

Never claimed to be an expert at food presentation!
Then, for dinner, which was really like just eating dessert, I made Nutella Crepes.  When I saw this recipe on Pinterest, I know my Nutella-loving guys would be enthused, so I decided to make it for them for Valentine's Day.  They loved it! :)  I highly recommend.

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