Monday, June 18, 2012

Dear Little Mister,

You're ten!  For real!  At last!  After months of telling me you were ten, now it's true!

I haven't thought yet of a good online name to replace "Little Mister," so LM it is still, for now.  I'm thinking about it, though, so hopefully I'll come up with something soon.  Though you'll always be MY "Little Mister," it does seem like it's time to give my big 10-year-old boy a more fitting online name!

Wow, where do I start?  You, as always, are growing so fast.  In every way.  You've learned more self-control this past year, and are making better use of your time.  You read God's Word with such interest and ask thought-provoking questions about what you are taking in.  Memorizing Philippians 2:3,4 has helped you focus on what/who is most important, and I love how, when you are with your friends and you realize you are putting into practice what we've talked about concerning that Bible passage, you wink at me with a "knowing" expression on your face.  You're starting to put together how God's Word works in our lives, how it is living and active and truly helps us!

It's cool to see you earning a bit more independence as time goes on.  It tugs at my heart a bit, but I sure don't want to hold you back from what you are ready for!  I'm so very proud of you, my wonderful son.  Whether each day, each moment, is good or bad, my love for you never lessens.  Every passing second, whether pleasant or difficult, only causes my love for you to grow.  I love you to the moon and back, you know! To infinity and beyond! ;)

I love all the reading we've been doing together and the discussions about everything under the sun.  I love all the songs you make up as you go along, praising our God and expressing your thoughts about Him.  I love how you love your time with your dad and how cute you two are together.  I love that you love to do nice things for people.

One thing I treasure so much is how willingly you forgive me when I mess up.  I'm sorry for how I sometimes lose my patience or am too quick to jump to conclusions.  Thank you so much for your forgiveness!

Now, press on, my wonderful son!  Keep up the good fight!  There are obstacles to come and you need to be vigilant to recognize and overcome them.  Your spiritual enemy hates you because of Whom you love.  But " . . . greater is He who is in you than he that is in the world." 1 John 4:4  You have the weapons and you are doing a great job learning to use them.

Also ahead are many happy, fun, and playful times.  Stay a kid as long as you can, my love.  Savor this wonderland called childhood.  Enjoy!

Keep smiling that handsome, heart-warming smile!

I love you,

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others."  Philippians 2:3-4

1 comment:

I love knowing what's on your heart and mind! Your thoughts, opinions, questions and ideas are welcome here anytime. Differences are respected as long as they are written respectfully! :)